Altar Guild
The Altar Guild performs a ‘behind the scenes’ ministry, preparing the Sanctuary for each service.
Members set up for the Eucharist, care for the Communion vessels and linens and arrange for flowers for the altar. They help prepare for special services, such as Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, the Maundy Thursday. The Stripping of the Altar, is also the responsibility of the Altar Guild.
Making sure that the Sanctuary is dusted and cleaned before and after services and the placement of proper seasonal colours, hangings and falls.
It is a rewarding spiritual ministry, supporting our Priest and Deacon at our worship services at St. Matthew.
We are in need of new members – male or female – to join us, as many hands make light work.
If you are interested in this quiet behind-the-scene ministry to our community, please contact Gwynne Barker.
The Altar Guild members get together the week of Palm Sunday to make Palm Crosses.