
To make the spoken word audible and clear, and to balance the voice and instruments of the Worship team, modulating or amplifying where necessary during all services.

This involves setting up mics, doing sound checks, running audio-visual throughout the building, and monitoring the sound during the service.
The soundboard ministry supports the music and worship by ensuring appropriate volume levels and minimizing feedback and other disruptions.

People working the soundboard need to arrive at least 20 minutes before the service to set up people with lapel and hand held mikes as necessary and to set the sound level for the pre-service music. Throughout the service, it is important to anticipate the need to turn mikes on and off and to adjust volumes. This ministry is not only required for Sunday services but also for other services such as weddings and funerals and special events like the Christmas pageant and annual meeting of parishioners.

Join this fun team here.