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Give – St. Matthew the Apostle – Oriole

Ways To Give

St. Matthew’s has a long history of making a difference in the lives of others in the name of Jesus, whether it’s through sharing our faith, supporting groups locally and beyond who help others, our Sunday worship, or maintaining our building as a sign of God’s presence in our community. All of this and much more is made possible by the generous giving of our members and friends.

We are grateful for every financial gift in support of our shared ministry in Christ here at St. Matthew’s.

You may make a gift during your lifetime or at death through your Will. Substantial gifts can be made without an immediate outlay of cash/assets, thereby protecting your immediate financial security. Most gifts provide attractive tax advantages. But first, we recommend seeking advice of your lawyer or financial planner.

Your gift to St. Matthew can be done in several ways.

Give Online

You can give online at any time. You can give a one-time gift or set up recurring giving using your credit card. It’s fast and simple.


Pre-Authorized Giving

Set up recurring donation that will be automatically withdrawn from your bank account. Complete the PAR Authorization Form and give it or mail it to us.

PAR Authorization Form

By Mail

Make you cheque payable to St. Matthew The apostle Oriole Anglican Church and mail to 80 George Henry Blvd. North York, ON M2J 1E7.

Other Ways to Give

In an effort to strengthen the life of faith among us, St. Matthew the Apostle, Oriole has embarked on an historic effort entitled Parish Revitalization Campaign. This important initiative has a minimum goal of $250,000 and will help establish funds to meet the growing long term and short term needs that include barrier-free accessibility to the Church, barrier –free/accessible washrooms, a commercial grade kitchen, electrical repairs/upgrades, the repairs to north and south parking lots including installation of drainage on the north side and windows and sliding glass doors throughout the building.

In 2019, the Growing Healthy Stewards Committee, under the leadership of Delores Lawrence, started the Revitalization Campaign in our parish.  As of March, 2020, we have received pledges of just over $226,000.00 with $126,000 in cash.

We’re confident that with God’s grace and guidance, we will succeed.

Thank you for participating.

You may make a gift during your lifetime or at death through your Will. Substantial gifts can be made without an immediate outlay of cash/assets, thereby protecting your immediate financial security.

The decision to leave a gift in your will to the ministries of S. Matthew The Apostle Oriole Anglican Church may take place at any stage in your life. Talk to your family, talk to your financial planner and talk to us.

Should you decide to leave a gift in your will, please complete the Bequest Confirmation Form to share your wonderful news with us.

There are numerous options for legacy gifts. We encourage you to consult with your legal and financial advisors to consider all the relevant issues and income tax provisions.

Through a gift in your will you demonstrate your passion, values and hopes. You are also able to make a larger donation than would be possible during your lifetime.

By naming St. Matthew the Apostle Oriole Anglican Church as a beneficiary in your will, you can give a percentage of your estate, a sum of money, a gift of property or a gift of securities. Your estate will receive a tax receipt for the value of the gift, which may reduce your taxes payable to your estate.

The benefits of making a bequest:

  • Your bequest can be a lasting legacy for you, your family, or anyone you may wish to honour.
  • You retain full control of your assets during your lifetime.
  • Your bequest can provide tax relief to your estate.

Sample clauses for wording your bequest

Proper wording is vital to the validity of a bequest. Here are the recommended clauses for your use:

Specific amount bequest:

“I DIRECT my trustee(s) to pay the sum of _________ DOLLARS ($__________ ) to ST. MATTHEW THE APOSTLE ORIOLE ANGLICAN CHURCH, currently located at, 80 George Henry Blvd. North York, ON M2J 1E7 for its general* purposes. The receipt of an appropriate officer of St. Matthew the Apostle Oriole Anglican Church shall be a sufficient discharge of my Trustee(s).”

Residual bequest:

“I DIRECT my trustee(s) to pay (insert number that equates to percentage) parts of the residue of my estate to ST. MATTHEW THE APOSTLE ORIOLE ANGLICAN CHURCH, currently located at, 80 George Henry Blvd. North York, ON M2J 1E7 for its general* purposes. The receipt of an appropriate officer of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto Foundation shall be a sufficient discharge of my Trustee(s).”

*general purposes – should you want to leave a gift to a specific ministry, please note it here. For instance, you may wish to designate your gift to the general account, redoing the parking lot, the altar guild, etc.

Gifts of life insurance are made by transferring ownership of an existing or new policy to the St. Matthew The Apostle Oriole Anglican Church.

Gifts of life insurance are an affordable way to make a difference. A modest annual premium paid over time will result in a significant future legacy.

There are three ways of making a gift of life insurance:

  1. You can donate an existing policy and receive a charitable tax receipt for the net cash surrender value (less any outstanding policy loans) and any premiums paid after the date of transfer of ownership to St. Matthew The Apostle Oriole Anglican Church.
  2. You can take out a new life insurance policy, name St. Matthew The Apostle Oriole Anglican Church as the owner and beneficiary, and receive a charitable tax receipt for any premiums paid after the date of transfer of ownership to the diocese.
  3. You may also name St. Matthew The Apostle Oriole Anglican Church as beneficiary of your policy, or the life insurance policy from your employer, and your estate will receive a charitable tax receipt equal to the death benefit proceeds paid directly to the diocese.

When you donate publicly traded stock and securities, you will receive a tax receipt for the full appreciated value of a donation of publicly traded stock or securities and you will not be subject to any capital gains tax.

The benefits of making a gift of stock or securities:

Capital gains tax on publicly listed stocks and securities are exempt when you donate your shares to St. Matthew The Apostle Oriole Anglican Church rather than selling and donating the proceeds.

The value of your tax receipt will be based on the market closing price on the day foundation takes legal receipt of your stock or securities into our brokerage account.

You may claim charitable donations up to 75 per cent of your net income, and a five-year carry-forward on any unused donation amount is permitted.

If you need more information please call or email the office.

Gifts such as charitable remainder trusts and gifts of residual interest allow you to arrange your legacy gift now and receive an immediate tax receipt, while enjoying the interest income (charitable remainder trust) or use of the gifted asset (gift of residual interest) for life.

To establish a charitable remainder trust, you fund the gift by irrevocably transferring assets (a sum of money, securities, bonds or mutual funds) into a trust to be managed by a trustee (a financial institution, yourself, a lawyer or other individual). A trust document names the interest income beneficiary (you or an alternative individual based on one life, joint life, or for a fixed term), and names St. Matthew The Apostle Oriole Anglican Church as the remainder beneficiary. You receive a receipt based on the net present value of the remainder interest.

For a gift of residual interest, you donate your personal property to St. Matthew The Apostle Oriole Anglican Church today but continue to use it for the rest of your life, while receiving an immediate charitable tax receipt. Gifts of residual interest can include real estate, art work, books, manuscripts, musical instruments and other tangible assets.

The benefits of a charitable remainder trust or a gift of residual interest:

Your gift is not subject to probate fees and other estate costs. Trust assets are not considered part of your estate and are not subject to the cost and delay of probate.

You receive a charitable tax receipt at the time the gift is made for the net present value of the remainder interest of the trust or the net present value of the property. (Net present value is based on the anticipated number of years you or another assigned beneficiary will receive the benefit from the trust, according to fair market value and the appropriate annual discount rate.)

Experience freedom from investment worries while receiving lifetime income from the donated asset.

If you need more information please call or email the office.

Our Causes

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