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Past Events – St. Matthew the Apostle – Oriole

Sunday Service

St. Matthew 80 George Henry Blvd, Toronto

For the sake of both fairness, and capacity control, in-person worship is BY RESERVATION ONLY. Registration is required. Registrations for the Sunday service closes at 3:00 p.m.. on the Friday, prior to the Sunday you wish to attend church.

The first 35 people/families (total number to attend) who pre-register for a specific Sunday Service will be permitted entry. The sanctuary will be filled on a first come, first served basis.


Travel Adventure Series #1

Zoom Meeting Online

Join us for the first of several Travel Adventure Series presented by St. Matthew the Apostle Church. This series takes place in Uganda and Rwanda as Bruce and Bonnie LaRue share their experience with Mountain Gorillas. You won't want to miss this.

Sunday Service

St. Matthew 80 George Henry Blvd, Toronto

For the sake of both fairness, and capacity control, in-person worship is BY RESERVATION ONLY. Registration is required. Registrations for the Sunday service closes at 3:00 p.m.. on the Friday, prior to the Sunday you wish to attend church.

The first 35 people/families (total number to attend) who pre-register for a specific Sunday Service will be permitted entry. The sanctuary will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
