Notice: Constant ENVATO_MARKET_VERSION already defined in /home/stmatth1/public_html/staging/wp-content/plugins/envato/envato-market.php on line 23
Notice: Constant ENVATO_MARKET_DEBUG_OUTPUT already defined in /home/stmatth1/public_html/staging/wp-content/plugins/envato/envato-market.php on line 26
Notice: Constant ENVATO_MARKET_SLUG already defined in /home/stmatth1/public_html/staging/wp-content/plugins/envato/envato-market.php on line 29
Notice: Constant ENVATO_MARKET_CORE_FILE already defined in /home/stmatth1/public_html/staging/wp-content/plugins/envato/envato-market.php on line 32
Notice: Constant ENVATO_MARKET_PATH already defined in /home/stmatth1/public_html/staging/wp-content/plugins/envato/envato-market.php on line 35
Notice: Constant ENVATO_MARKET_URI already defined in /home/stmatth1/public_html/staging/wp-content/plugins/envato/envato-market.php on line 38
Notice: Constant ENVATO_MARKET_NETWORK_ACTIVATED already defined in /home/stmatth1/public_html/staging/wp-content/plugins/envato/envato-market.php on line 51 Bible Study – St. Matthew the Apostle – Oriole
Aenean nec eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. Suspendisse sollicitudin velit sed leo.
Join us in Bible Study to engage in dialogue on biblical themes that relate to issues of today’s church.
Our Bible studies are presented in the hope that by reflecting on God’s word and scriptural themes, we can learn and apply Jesus’s teaching of so many, many years ago are relevant today in the church, in our lives, and in our communities.